The Importance of TMV Valves for Hairdressing Salons

Pegler TMVHairdressing in the UK is currently an unregulated profession, with hairdressers able to work without training or qualifications. The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers found in 2009 that the majority of hair salons were failing their duty of care to many customers. Hairdressers have a legal duty to take care of their clients’ safety and negligence can result in injury and subsequent legal action.

Scalding can be a common problem in hairdresser salons, resulting in client injury. Scalds can occur due to various factors, from faulty water heater thermostats to faulty or missing temperature regulating valves at the hot water source.

Water heaters are usually set to temperatures above 55°C to prevent development of bacteria in the water supply, such as Legionella. However, any water above 43°C can be exceptionally painful and above 55°C can cause severe scalding. A thermostatic mixing valve mixes hot water with cold water at the point of discharge, producing a water flow at a safe temperature of 41°C. They are designed to maintain the desired water temperature, even when the water pressure or flow rate changes.

TMV valves are essential for hairdressing sinks to ensure the safety of customers, preventing scalding accidents in the workplace. In addition to specialist salon taps for the hairdressing industry, Notjusttaps provides the Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) which can easily be fitted to ensure that water remains at a safe temperature.

Particulary suitable is the Pegler TMV valve which is both TMV2 and TMV3 Scheme approved. Additionally, the valve is WRAS and Buildcert approved, as well as being compliant with BS7942, BS EN1111 and BS EN1287. Available on the Not Just Taps website, it includes a 2-year warranty and is priced from £49.90, providing great value for money.

If you own or manage a hairdressing salon, then the TMV valve is essential for ensuring the safety of your clients and reputability of your establishment.

The complete collection of TMV valves can be seen here: Notjusttaps TMV Safety Valves. For more information, please get in touch with our sales team by email on or by telephone on 01923 268843.


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