DDA Compliant Taps


We are increasingly asked whether the healthcare taps that we supply are DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant.
The requirement states that sanitary accommodation will satisfy requirements M1 or M3 of the act if ” any bath or washbasin tap is either controlled automatically or is capable of being operated using a closed fist eg by lever action
The options are therefore to install infra red sensor taps or extended/elbow lever taps.
The introduction of  our new  Ability Lever Taps fully satisfies the acts requirements.
it is also stated that the needs of people with visual impairment should be considered and as such the use of high visibility graphics and the contrast between the lever colour and tap body provides useful visual contrast.
The Italian designed range which includes basin, bath & sink taps will be suitable for any public building looking to ensure their chosen brassware complies with the requirements of the disabilty discrimination act.

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