What do the elderly & schoolkids have In common?

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What do the elderly & schoolkids have In common?
They both leave taps running – the elderly because they forget, school kids because they like to leave taps running to see if they can cause a flood (we were all kids once so we know what trouble kids get up to)
This was a problem that we had to address recently where a school needed taps that were efficient in water use but very importantly only ran for a limited time as the pupils liked to leave taps running, blocked the basins and cause a flood
We recommended our professional temperature adjustable timer taps  (non-concussive taps)  that can be set to a desired temperature whilst they will run for approx 15 secs – enough to wash with but not enough time to cause trouble.
The timer taps are part of a comprehensive range of commercial taps and plumbing solutions which includes safety TMV temperature control valves, water saving fittings, special sensor taps & school laboratory supplies.
For more information on the school & educational products click on this link: School Taps & Water Controls






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